- Dolar Mladen: Uprizarjanje konceptov. Spisi o umetnosti, 2019.
- Shukaitis Stevphen: The Composition of Movements to Come.
Aesthetics and Cultural Labour After the Avant-Garde, 2016.
- Erjavec Aleš, Šuvaković Miško: Aesthetic Revolutions and Twentieth-century avant-garde Movements, 2015.
- Kovič Brane: Arte politico, 2015.
- Gardner Anthony: Politically Unbecoming Postsocialist Art Against Democracy, 2015.
- Arns Inke, Chicen-Hung Huang, Čufer Eda et al.: State in Time, 2014.
- Szcepanik Joanna: Geogreafia artystyczna: Neue Slowenbische Kunst, wieloaspetwošć i kolektywizm, 2014.
- Holmes Brian: Escape the overcode: activist art in the control society, 2009.
- Monroe Alexei, Žižek Slavoj: Interrogation Machine. Laibach and NSK, 2005.
- Mikrodržave od utopičnih skupnosti do vesoljskih naselbin / Micronations from Utopian Communities to Space Settlements, 2005.
- Šaver Boštjan: Nazaj v planinski raj. Alpska kultura slovenstva in mitologija Triglava, 2005.
- Gržinić Marina: Neue Slowenische Kunst, 2003.
- Erjavec Aleš: [Postmodernism and the postsocialist condition: politicized art under late socialism]
Neue Slowenische Kunst - New Slovenian Art: Slovenia, Yugoslavia, self-management, and the 1980s, 2003.
- Hannula Mikka, Kelly Susan: AMORPH!03 Summit of Micronations / Protocols
[29.–31.08. 2003, Helsinki], 2003.
- Čufer Eda, Groys Boris, Irwin et al.: Primary Documents
A Case Study: Neue Slowenische
Kunst, 2002.
- Arns Inke: Kollektiv in der Schwerelosigkeit. Von überidentifizierung ind Retograde zum panoptischen Theater der glehrigen Körper. Laibach und das Kosmokinetische Kabinett Noordung (Neue Sloweniche Kunst) 1980 - 2045 [v/in: Kollektivkörper. Kunst und Politik von Ver, 2002.
- Neue Slowensiche Kunst, 1991.
* Catalogues, leaflets, CDs/DVDs and videos are listed with the exhibitions!