- Broeckmann Andreas: Machine Art in the Twentieth Century, 2016.
- [Field_Notes]. From Landscape to Laboratory - Maisemasta Laboratorioon, 2013.
- Zabel Igor: Contemporary Art Theory, 2012.
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- Arctic Perspective. Cahier No. 2. Arctic Geopolitics and Autonomy, 2010.
- Exposito Marcelo: Los nuevos productivismos, 2010.
- Zero Gravity. A Cultural User's Guide, 2005.
- Social Responsibility. Mobitel, d.d., 2005.
- Broeckmann Andreas: Public Spheres and Network Interfaces, 2004.
- De Oliveira Nicolas, Oxley Nicola, Petry Michael: Installation Art in the New Millennium. The Empire of the Senses, 2003.
- Andel Jaroslav, Čufer Eda, Dan Calin et al.: Geopolitika in umetnost =
Geopolitics and art. Tečaj za
kustose sodobne umetnosti;
leto 1999, 1999.
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