- Barši Jože, Barši Izidor, Cibic Jasmina et al.: Arhitektura [ni enako] umetnost. Zbornik, 2017.
- Dezeuze Anna: Almost nothing : observations on precarious practices in contemporary art, 2017.
- Thea Carolee: On Curating 2 // paradigm shifts: Interviews with Fourteen International Curators / interviews by Carolee Thea ; Nancy Adajania, Wassan Al-Kudhairi, David Elliott, Mami Kataoka, Sunjung Kim, Koyo Kouoh, Carol Yinghua Lu, Gerardo Mosquera, Ugochukwu-Smooth, 2016.
- Demos T. J.: Decolonizing nature : contemporary art and the politics of ecology, 2016.
- Decter Joshua: Art Is a Problem, 2013.
- Altshuler Bruce, Fowle Kate, Obrist Hans-Ulrich et al.: Do it : the compendium / edited [and introduction] by Hans Ulrich Obrist in collaboration with Independent Curators International ; [foreword and acknowledgements by Kate Fowle and Frances Wu Giarratano ; essays by Bruce Altshuler, Hu Fang, Virginia Perez, 2013.
- Potrč Marjetica: Visual Arts at IUAV, Venezia: 2011 - 2011. What an Art School Shoul be?, 2011.
- Actors, Agents, and Attendants - Caring Culture: Art, Architecture, and the Politics of Public Health, 2011.
- Badovinac Zdenka, Carl Katherine, Čufer Eda et al.: East coast Europe / edited by Markus Miessen, 2008.
- Babias Marius, Block Rene, Buden Boris et al.: Die Balkan-Trilogie = The Balkans trilogy [anlässlich des Projekts Die Balkan-Trilogie in der Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, von September 2003 bis September 2004], 2007.
- Petrešin Nataša: Tje In/Capacities of an Artist [v katalogu: 2006 Biennale of Sydney: Zones of Contact], 2006.
- Česnik Meta: Trend portfolio. Xapuri [v: Trend 2006. Slovenske nagrade za slovensko modno in vizualno ustvarjalnost], 2006.
- Španjol Igor: Travels [v kat.: Global Tour. Art, Travel & Beyond. An exhibition based on research and a concept by Amiel Grumberg (1980 - 2004)], 2005.
- Koželj Janez, Potrč Marjetica: Marjetica Potrč: Caracas - neformalno mesto inneformalna ekonomija / Caracas - Informal City and Informal Economy.
Janez Koželj: Razvrednoteni prostori v mestu / Devalued Spaces in the City
Marjetica Potrč in Janez Koželj: Razprava
[objavljeno v: Read, 2005.
- Do it, 2004.
- Amanshauser Hildegund, Podnar Gregor: Interview mit / with Gregor Podnar [v: SalzburgerKunstverein magazin 8. Jahresbericht 2003], 2003.
- Ars Aevi Collection. Museum of
Contemporary Art Sarajevo, 2002.
- Bonami Francesco, Cross Susan, Potrč Marjetica: Marjetica Potrč, 2001.
- Potrč Marjetica: Der oeffentliche Raum in der modernen Stadt / Public Space in the Contemporary City [v knjigi: Public Art, Kunst in oeffentlichen Raum, str. 22-37], 2001.
- Potrč Marjetica: Two Essays on Built Disasters.
An Empty City: Attraction of a
Built Disaster. - A Planned
City: When a Man-Made Disaster
Happens, 1998.
- Zabel Igor: Ima igrivost umetnosti tragični značaj? Likovna
umetnost danes [v: Ljubljana mesto kulture], 1997.
- Zabel Igor: L'arte nella Slovenia degli anni ottanta / Art in Slovenia in the eighties [v: La coesistenza dell'arte. Un modello espositivo], 1993.
* Katalogi, zloženke, CD/DVD-ji in videi so navedeni pri razstavah!